Dialogue Institute Luncheon Forums

The Dialogue Institute is hosting two distinguished speakers Dr. Ori Soltes from Georgetown University and Emre Celik, President of Rumi Forum for the Dialogue Luncheon Forums on April 21st, 2017 at 11:30 am.
The topic of the luncheon is " A Nation of Immigrants: Why multiculturalism is matters? Different is good: Why diversity is matters?"
The Luncheon Forum will be held at Raindrop Turkish House - 4444 North ClassenBlvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73118.
Emre Celik
Emre Celik, an Australian based in Washington DC, is currently the President of the Rumi Forum, an organization dedicated to social harmony, intercultural and interfaith dialogue issues covering themes of pluralism, social cohesion, democracy, and peace building. The Honorary Chairman of the forum is world-renowned Muslim scholar and thinker, Fethullah Gulen, who has inspired the Hizmet Movement, a social and civic movement active in more than 160 countries.
Emre has been interviewed by the New York Times, Washington Post, Washington Times and numerous media outlets in Europe and Australia on issues of diversity, dialogue, and Hizmet. His writing has appeared in Duke and Oxford Universities' IslamiCommentary, Fox News and the Huffington Post. He regularly speaks at universities and was a participant of a private roundtable at Harvard University looking at issues surrounding Muslim Americans. The Rumi Forum in October 2014 helped organize the first ever White House Eid reception where Emre provided opening remarks. Emre was also one of a small group of guests when President Obama made his first visit to a US Mosque. Emre currently sits on the FBI's Arab Muslim Sikh Advisory Council (AMSAC) in Washington DC.
While in Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne, Emre was involved in numerous community-based interfaith and education projects. He was on the Melbourne Advisory Committee, Parliament of World Religions and the Victoria Police Multifaith Council. He has been involved in the Hizmet Movement for 25 years. In September 2016 Emre received the UTS (University of Technology, Sydney) Alumni award for community service. He has a degree in Computer Engineering and a Masters in Teaching. He is a Ph.D. candidate at the Centre for Islamic Studies and Civilisation (CISAC), Charles Stuart University.
Prof. Ori Soltes
Ori Z. Soltes teaches at Georgetown University across a range of disciplines, from art history and theology to philosophy and political history. He is the former Director of the B'nai B'rith Klutznick National Jewish Museum, and has curated more than 85 exhibitions on history, ethnography and modern and contemporary art at that museum and in other venues across the country and overseas. He is also the author of over 270 books, articles, exhibition catalogs, and essays on a variety of topics; and the writer, producer, and narrator of a range of video courses, including a 26-part series, Tradition, and Transformation: A History of Jewish Art.
Some of his recent books include Our Sacred Signs: How Jewish, Christian and Muslim Art Draw from the Same Source; Searching for Oneness: Mysticism in Judaism, Christianity and Islam; Untangling the Web: Why the Middle East is a Mess and Always Has Been; Embracing the World: Fethullah Gulen's Thought and Its Relationship to Jelaluddin Rumi and Others; Jews on Trial: from Jesus to Jonathan Pollard; Tradition and Transformation: 3000 Years of Jewish art; and God and the Goalposts: A Short History of Religion, Sports, Politics, War and Art. He is currently working on an intellectual biography of Fetullah Gulen.
Dr. Soltes lives in the Washington, DC area with his wife, two rambunctious sons and an even more rambunctious dog.
April 21, 2017
at 11:30
Raindrop Foundation 4444 North Classen Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73118 okc@thedialoginstitute.org (405) 702 0222