Thursday, August 6, 2020
Join Rev. Kris Ladusau, This Amazing Faiths event is brought to you by the Interfaith Alliance of Oklahoma.
About the Presenter
Rev. Kris Ladusau is the spiritual head of the Rissho Kosei-kai Dharma Center in Oklahoma City, and is on staff with Rissho-Kosei-kai of North America in California, where she develops and teaches Buddhist curriculum. She participates in projects with Rissho-Kosei-kai International in Tokyo, Japan, and also serves on the board of OCC – Religions United, Interfaith Power and Light, and is a Spiritual First Responder for Natural Disasters in Oklahoma.

Learn more about Amazing Faiths
What faiths will be represented?
Amazing Faiths is faith-neutral and its sole purpose is to promote understanding and friendships. A wide range of guests is invited through the Interfaith Alliance, as well as our co-hosts. Every effort will be made to ensure that diversity is represented. For instance, you may hear from individuals who practice Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Universalism, Baha’i, or meet Atheists and Agnostics – all are welcome to have conversations in a safe and engaging environment.
Will anyone try to convert me to a certain religion?
No. Proselytizing and evangelizing are prohibited. Everyone is treated with respect and not coerced into any specific viewpoint. Again, Amazing Faiths is faith-neutral.